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Curriculum Overview


At Lady Modiford's CofE Primary School, we aim to provide a broad and well-balanced curriculum that will inspire our pupils and motivate them to learn. 

Our curriculum follows the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum supplemented by opportunities to provide enrichment, inspire curiosity, and support the development of every child’s academic, social, communication and wellbeing needs. We believe that we have a responsibility to educate for the whole child, preparing children for their futures as flourishing members of the community.

Within Early Years the curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning from previous settings and their experiences at home. We respect that children have different starting points and strive to provide a nurturing environment for all. We do this through providing a range of child-led, hands-on learning opportunities. We provide many first hand experiences to underpin the children’s knowledge, with the aim of broadening their understanding of the world around them. We believe that first experiences of school should be happy and positive, enabling a lifelong love of learning. In order to provide this climate we use positive language to build a positive sense of self. We provide an environment which will enable children to trust in themselves and in their peers, building resilience, ambition and integrity.

In addition to providing an exciting curriculum for our children, we place a high value on the core subjects and weave our work in reading, writing and maths, across our teaching. We ensure that children become effective communicators and are confident with numbers. 

We use a number of schemes of learning to enable us to deliver the National Curriculum in ways that will achieve our curriculum aims.  Subjects are taught discretely, following our curriculum progressions. Teachers will take advantage of opportunities to explore particular current topics of local, national or global interest where this is appropriate. Whilst most subjects are taught each week, for some subjects, such as Art and DT, we recognise the value of giving children a block of time to produce a final outcome. 

We are inclusive schools and value the many opportunities for learning that working with a diverse range of pupils brings. We aim to provide high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of the majority of pupils. Some of our pupils will require provision that is additional to, or different from, our core offer. Provision for our children with SEND is outlined in our SEN Information Report and Policy. 

At Lady Modiford's, Collective Worship plays a central role in bringing our community together, and embedding our ethos and  values. Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from daily acts of worship, but are asked to discuss the matter first with the Headteacher. We hold a weekly Celebration Assembly, including parents, across both schools to recognise achievements throughout the week. Our values focus on ensuring that children develop as rounded individuals.  Our Christian Values are Joy, Respect, Wisdom Love and Hope.

Our full Curriculum Statement with links to our vision, values and locality can be found at the top of this page.

EYFS Curriculum

At Lady Modiford's we recognise that every child is unique. We understand that children develop in individual ways and at varying rates. We want our children to be independent and self-motivated learners, encouraging the children to adapt their work, think critically and take risks with their learning.

Our curriculum:

  • is at the heart of our learning journey approach
  • is distinctive, innovative and strategically planned with the individual pupils in mind
  • is research informed
  • introduces challenging, engaging and real life problems
  • strives to encourage and develop a love of learning
  • lets learning happen within a child centred approach
  • ensures all areas of learning are regarded with the same level of importance and are interlinked in learning
  • includes fundamental British values to teach children a sense of self and belonging; enabling them to learn and stay true to the values that make people good human beings
  • ensures that children learn to live together peacefully, with each of them playing a valuable role in the multicultural world in which they live.

The Foundation classes follow the curriculum as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which is available at 

EYFS Framework

Teaching of Phonics

At Lady Modiford's we follow 'Little Wandle Letter and Sounds Revised' to deliver our teaching of phonics and early reading. More information about this scheme of learning can be found  at

Resources for Parents